Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry merry!

Well, despite the tough economic times in our country, nothing stops people from being generous when they feel compelled. And boy have I met some compelled people today! I just got home from my big family Christmas party bearing many gifts for The Nicaragua Project. Donations of Staples gift cards and library books for the Porteno School were given to us from uncles, aunts and cousins! Thank you to all of those who felt the compulsion to share what they have during this season. All of these gifts will be put to good use for this project.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thank you, thank you!

I went to Mainland Regional High School yesterday to pick up the computer and was so pleased to hear that they had not one, but TWO computers and printer to donate to The Porteno School in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. Secondly, I received an unexpected and wonderful email from my aunt in Dallas, Texas, informing me she has a laptop to donate ot the Nicaragua Project! This is extremely exciting, and brings us closer to our goal of a computer lab furnished with 16 computers. With the school's previous nine computers, and the two computers from Mainland HS and one from my aunt, we have four left to acquire. I am confident that this will happen. Thanks again, Mainland and Aunt Eileen!

Friday, December 12, 2008

In gratitude...

I am excited to write that we received our first technology donation, a computer, by the Mainland Regional High School Computer Club, in Linwood, NJ. The Computer Club refurbishes computers and finds organizations to donate them to. The Porteno School received a generous donation of nine computers about two months ago. The computer are set up on desks that have chairs still wrapped in plastic, because the teachers aren't sure how to use them just yet. We are planning a technology training workshop for the teachers on basic computer use and computer use in the classroom. With over 30 children in their classes, and only nine computers, we have been hoping to receive donations of at least 6 more computers so the students could sit 2 per computer to work. Mainland's Computer Club is the first to help us work towards this goal. We are very grateful for this.